超豪華ラインナップ!!! A1: Robert Hood - The Bond We Formed A2: Jeff Mills - A Tale From The Parallel Universe B1: Daft Punk - Drive (Slam Remix) B2: Adam Beyer - Just Things C1: Blawan - Clipper C2: The Woodleigh Research Facility - Soma25 D1: Josh Wink - Synodic Period E1: Slam - Stepback (Jonas Kopp Remix) E2: Slam - Visions (Kobosil Remix) F1: Percy X - X-Track (Vril Remix) G1: Slam - Tempest G2: Steve Bicknell - Mind Cycles H1: Funk D'void - 808 Planet I1: Joe Stawartz - Cry (Deepchord Remix) J1: Joe Stawartz - Beebear (Deepchord Remix)